fraud0 Events
fraud0 generates one main event fraud0
which will be available in the Google Tag Manager and can be used for Data Layer Variables or Trigger creation. Please find a more detailed description on the fraud0 events here.
{ event: 'fraud0', f0_bot_traffic: 'no', f0_traffic_quality: 'standard', }
Setup Trigger in Google Tag Manager
Go to your Google Tag Manager Workspace
Navigate to Triggers (1) and click New (2) in the top-right corner
Select Custom Event from the trigger type list
Name your Trigger F0 Trigger
Choose Custom Event (1) as the Trigger Type
Choose your Event Name (2)
You can set up two individual triggers (one for f0_event_low_quality_traffic
and one for f0_event_invalid_traffic
) or use the regex match f0_event_.*
in the Event Name to combine both events in one trigger.
Please make sure to check Use regex matching if you want to use the wildcard event name.
Select All Custom Events (3) in the This trigger fires on section
Click on Save
Setup Variables in GTM
Now click on Variables, scroll down to User-Defined Variables and click New.
Then click on the Variable Configuration field and choose in the now opened overlay the variable type Data Layer Variable.
Give the variable a proper name (“F0 Variable”), enter “f0_bot_traffic” in the Data Layer Variable Name field and Save the configuration.
Repeat the same steps again for the parameter “f0_traffic_quality”.
Next Steps
In the next steps, you have to create Negative Audience lists for your channels. Please have a look at our setup guides:
Facebook Business Manager Setup →
Need support?
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